A Guide to Roofing Options in Fayetteville, NC
June 30, 2024
So, your roof is starting to develop leaks or other damage – can it be repaired, or do you need to call for roof replacement services in Fayetteville? Sometimes it can be hard to tell. It’s fine to get by with repairs as long as possible, but eventually, a replacement will be the better option.
Here are some of the signs it’s time to start thinking about a roof replacement.
1. You’ve experienced a weather disaster
If a major storm has hit your roof and done a lot of damage, it probably can’t be repaired. Or, at least, repairs would be unlikely to last long. Replacing the roof is usually going to be the better option.
2. Your roof is more than twenty years old
If your roof is made of traditional tiles or similar materials, it’s going to have a lifespan of only around 20 years, or maybe 30 with excellent maintenance. Over time, it’s simply going to break down. Also, newer roofing materials offer better insulation and energy efficiency, so replacing those older materials may bring other benefits as well!
(If your roof is made of slate or other stone materials, it’s a different story. Slate roofs can last many decades, possibly up to a century.)
3. You’re having to get your roof repaired frequently
One sign that a roof is simply becoming too old is that it needs repairs more and more often. Materials such as flashing (the metal bits around the edges) and sealants will break down over time. Likewise, tiles can become brittle and more prone to breaking off.
Past a point, repairs become a money pit. Replacement will cost more in the short term but bring you savings in the long term.
4. You’re thinking about selling your property
Roofs have a huge impact on both the price of a property, as well as its curb appeal and sellability. If you have an older roof, you may have trouble selling – particularly if buyers think that they will have to be the ones to replace the roof instead. Proactively replacing it will help you move your home faster, and probably get more money.
If it’s time for roof replacement services in Fayetteville, call Advanced Roofing Solutions. We have a long track record of excellent long-lasting roof installations, built with the best of materials. Click here to schedule an appointment.